domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009


I got Auckland four days ago, left home in Alta Gracia, about 2 pm on Tuesday last week, luckily Nico gave me a ride. That day I had slept very little, the boys had gone at 2 and a half in the morning and I had awakened to take leave of Guadalupe around 6 so that´s why in the Cordoba-Buenos Aires flight I slept almost all the time . Arrive at Ezeiza at 18 and had the most expensive coffe in the world ($ 8.50) in terminal B restorant only to use Wi Fi. I stayed until 11 pm, the flight to Auckland left at 2 am, but check in beginning at that time. While the cold was frozzing , forgetting the cold of the air conditioners and aircraft, had despatched all coats, but I am a lucky person and before entering the 11´s waiting room door found a sweatshirt fleece someone had forgotten: - Excuse me Madam, you know who is this?, ask the lady who was sweeping, No, it must have forgotten someone, he replied, Perfect, then if that someone turns tell him I borrow it until the flight departs . Luckily who forgot the jacket had taken another plane with up to mine ends with the post godsend. I slept throughout the flight, except in the two times I was awakened by the flight attendants to eat and get to New Zealand after 14 hours of flying and being 8 in the morning the other day. Go migration without much problem and look to Gandhi kept waiting for me in a box. It was raining outside. luckily in the Auckland airport there are free use´stools to assemble your bike. I take my time and I then went inside to wait for the diminishing waterfall was not as pleasant start my journey all soggy.

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